Manually Obtain Letsencrypt Certificate for Websites
There are sometimes you need your website to have Https connection. The most common to get a free certificate is to use Let’s Encrypt. Setting up a certificate with shell access on the same machine is pretty easy. But Certbot requires you to have root privileges. That’s really a pain in the ass. A work around is to tell your system administrator give you the permission to replace the certificate. Now you can use manual mode on another machine where allows you to sudo
Letsencrypt requires Certbot to work. So the first step is to install certbot
sudo dnf install certbot
Do the following to obtain the certificate:
1. sudo certbot certonly --manual -d
- e.g. sudo certbot certonly --manual -d
2. Choose the Webroot plugin
3. Fill in your email, so that when the certificate is almost expired they will send a notification to you.
4. A string,
, will be asked to be placed at .well-known/acme-challenge/xxx
. if you are using Laravel as the framework, you can simply write the following in routes/web.php
Route::get('.well-known/acme-challenge/xxx', function() {
echo "";
Congratz! You have now obtained a valid certificate for your website!
Certificates from Let’s Encrypt expires after 90 days. Be sure to renew the Certificate before due date. Execute certbot renew
and all your certificate setup on this machine will be renewed. After renewing the certificates, simply copy them to the target destination and you’re done.