Importance of HTTPS
In the world of which hackers are everywhere, our messages and passwords may be easily stolen if they are not encrypted in a network connection. HTTPS provides 2 very important functionalities:
- Encrypted connection
- Trusted URL and website binding
Self-signed Certificates
HTTPS requires a valid certificate to work. While there are many HTTPS services out there like Let’s Encrypt, sometimes we need to sign the certificates on our own. Common scenarios are when the server doesn’t have a public domain name or the server is inside a private network.
Difference between CA-issued Certificates and Self-signed Certificates
Client browsers has a list of trusted certificate authority certificates. If a CA certificate is on the list, other certificates issued by them will also be trusted. Since self-signed certificates are not on the list, clients will see a warning that the certificate of the website is not trusted.
Although the self-signed certificate is not trusted, the connection is still encrypted while using HTTPS.
Trusting the Self-signed Certificate
Importing the certificate into the client’s system can solve the problem.
Generate self-signed Certificates
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 7300 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout /etc/ssl/private/selfsigned.key -subj "/C=${C}/ST=${ST}/L=${L}/O=${O}/OU=${OU}/CN=${CN}" -addext "subjectAltName = ${SAN}" -out /etc/ssl/certs/selfsigned.crt
Variable | Description |
C |
2-digit country code, arguments for generating SSL certificate(optional) |
ST |
state, arguments for generating SSL certificate(optional) |
L |
location(city), arguments for generating SSL certificate(optional) |
O |
organization, arguments for generating SSL certificate(optional) |
OU |
organization unit(division), arguments for generating SSL certificate(optional) |
CN |
common name(FQDN/IP), e.g. / , arguments for generating SSL certificate |
subject alternative name(DNS:FQDN/IP:IP), e.g. / IP: , arguments for generating SSL certificate |
Note that if you are creating a certificate signing request(CSR) the optional fields are usually required.
Web Server Configuration
For web server configurations I recommend checking out